Inspire Belief is a social business creating solutions to social needs, focusing on mental wellness,  creating events, content and programmes for adults, children, parents and teachers, that teach essential life skills that promote mental wellbeing and inspire a person’s unlimited potential. 

The catalyst that created Inspire Belief…

On the 1 February 2007 16 hours after the birth of my daughter, my mother Lucy died at the age of 65 from bone cancer. On her last days she wrote a list of regrets, of the simple things she dreamed of doing and didn’t.

The list of regrets

      1. More social life
      2. South Island Holiday (New Zealand)
      3. Enjoy my grandchildren more
      4. I’d like to go back to Australia for a holiday to see Joyce
      5. Live to an old age

And while these are simple things (except for living to an old age) it was her confidence and self-worth that held her back to achieve her other goals.

I saw how I could help people, I didn’t want people’s dreams to die as well, my mother never realised how much potential she had to affect the people around her – including herself.

So I created Inspire Belief to encourage people to believe in themselves and theirs dreams because they are far too important.

Kaz, lives with her kids on top of a mountain on a farm in what some of her friends call in the middle of the wilderness.  (well I sort of am, now I’m on the move to a new special spot and now these 4 of us -plus all the animals)

Her youngest spends her time having adventures with her horses, when she isn’t on social media.  Her older son has autism and he likes to spend most of his time playing with lego and trains.

Kaz herself is a inspiring big hearted adventurer, creator and homebody.  Her job title is described as a people focused solution architect.

Hi I’m Kaz

I created Inspire Belief 13 years ago, inspired by my Mum after she passed over when my little girl was born, like 18 hours after.

She led a life of not believing in herself and not following her dreams, and she really deserved too. I would have followed that path, except I was more of a rebel and stubborn, I call those qualities now courage and persistence.

I’ve gone off track, that’s my current issue. I have so much to share now, and I don’t know where to start.

You see when I started Inspire Belief I had a lot of energy for it; I quickly got into
events, speaking engagements, writing, creating a inspire belief national school programme for kids, a club for dreamers, and developed a gigantic new interface website. Everything was new and creative and exciting. I wanted to spread it across the world.

Creatively I was on fire, I wanted to inspire and make people believe in themselves and their worth.

Then my 3 years old son was diagnosed with high needs autism, and my life changed.

Inspire Belief stopped, I tried to keep it going, but it was like trying to push a boulder up a mountain, every turn a door closed. Something I was so passionate about began to feel more like stress.

It was just the beginning; my dream was to inspire and help, so life threw me more, to make me more.

The years followed with more challenges, struggling farming conditions, family high court proceedings, losing the farm, divorce, losing the majority of your assets, caring for terminal family members, 18mths in a coercion abusive relationship, isolation
and then
my beautiful happy son with autism reached puberty, his brain changed, and he couldn’t cope with life, his behaviour became extreme, and my life went into lockdown, more isolation.

Finally, my foundations crashed. I couldn’t go on with how I was living my life.
I was still everyone’s rock, and I had to find my light again,
I was it.

My kids needed me.

I couldn’t change the circumstances. But I could change how I was dealing with them and how I dealt with myself.

So I reforged myself, with all the experiences I’d gained. I became more, a new version of myself.

Now my daughter is happy, my son is happy, and I am happy and having new adventures and a zest for life again.

I also now have so much more to offer you, 17 years ago I started with the creative stuff, then life took me on a journey of challenging discovery, now I have so much more to share of value.

Inspire Belief 2.0, it’s not just about the dreams anymore, it’s about developing the skills in life so you can grow, and the belief that you are deserving and unlimited.

I want to help you thrive.