I’ve developed these coping strategies for my personality and life situation, and have designed them to so they support my personal growth and stop me from going insane. They may help you in some way, so I’m opening up to share them with you.

I’ve had some pretty big challenges, but by far the long term challenge is that I have a special needs child

And as any parent with a special needs child will tell you it is enriching and life-changing, but also at times incredibly hard. Many times my boy has pushed me past my limits – fortunately, I’ve discovered my limits aren’t fixed anymore they keep expanding each time they are pushed through, and my coping strategies are tools that strengthen me and help me expand my limitations.

It’s my responsibility to be happy, healthy, and fulfilled so I can create a loving environment for my kids, so they can flourish. I’m no supermum, but if I didn’t expand as a person, I wouldn’t cope.

Your belief system will determine how you adapt to life challenges/lesson plans. I believe that my challenges are the making of the person I’m yet to evolve into, specially adapted for my purpose, which gives them meaning and myself strength.

I’m not fudging the part that sometimes I totally forget this meaning bit, and I’m completely feeling ‘oh woo is me’ whilst wrapped up under blankets on the couch, by the morning though, I’m a warrior again.

So here are some of my top 5’s for coping, that may help you 🙂

Copes for handling stressful situations, whether you are in the moment with them or under long term stress.

Never hold the cry in as it’s double handling your emotions,
crying is an emotional release; it’s defiantly not a weak thing to do – real strength comes from showing vulnerability. And I’ve discovered if you let the tears fall freely you can keep thinking and keep going.

You are not a victim, feeling like one removes your power, which makes you feel worse.
You are being challenged to learn or change, finding your strength instead of viewing yourself as a victim reduces your emotional state, seeing yourself as a challenger empowers you. Knowing that you have something to benefit from this, refocuses your direction off an emotional state to a thinking state.

You are going to run out of fuel, so analyze how you are coping.
We have to stop the whole “I just have to keep going” theme.

If you were a professional athlete, you would be looking at every area that would put you at peak performance.
Am I getting enough sleep?
Am I getting fuel to nourish my body?
What sort of mindset am I telling myself?
How can I use this to perform better next time?
What is my support structure?

Athletes know that they have to be self-centered to be at their best to compete. You are not competing (well maybe with yourself) but taking that mindset of self-development and applying it so you can perform emotionally better in your world.
It will be one of the smartest and thoughtful decisions you make for yourself and others.


There are times when the pressure is high, and we spit the dummies ourselves, or adrenaline has pumped through our systems, and we feel like a freight train has just bowled us.

We are now in mush mode, to get back on track ASAP and minimize the effects of stress on the body have a prepared Emergency Repair Kit ready for yourself and know it without having to think about it, as your brain is mush at the moment!
Things inside your kit.

Belief 1#
You need to get your self-confidence back up off the floor, visualize achievements or proud moments in your life.
Write down your moments?

Strength 2#
Think of people that you respect that have similar qualities as yourself that you need at that moment. I have three friends; one reflects a warrior’s courage, another is determination, and the other is patience. They remind me of who I am and not the person currently on the floor. It helps me to get up. Who are your people?

Nourish 3#
Now that my belief and spirit is back time for TLC. That’s when you do something completely relaxing that shuts out the world. Might be a spa, book, and crackers, candles and cuddles. What makes you feel nourished?

Refuel 4#
You need some fun, and you need to laugh and feel alive again, so go do something that revitalizes your spirit. What makes you happy?

You need to have these answers already filled in, so they are ready to go; in the moment you won’t have the energy thinking about what you are going to do.

Don’t be your worst emergy and continue the mouse wheel over and over. Even tiny changes will change the wheel, and the more positive changes you make brings you a sense of calmness and hope for your future.

SMILE and embrace challengers because we never leave the classroom.